ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION Federal law mandates that students with disabilities are

Federal law mandates that students with disabilities are educated in the general education environment to the “greatest extent appropriate” for meaningful academic and social interactions (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2004). The IEP team is tasked with determining the greatest extent appropriate, which can be a challenging and controversial task. What should be considered? What are the challenges? What are the benefits for students with disabilities and for their typical peers when students are included in the general education?
Write a 3-4 page paper regarding the inclusion of special education students in general education classrooms including the following points. Use research to support your analysis.
Discuss the challenges of inclusion for students with disabilities.
What are the challenges?
What are the strategies that can support these challenges?
Discuss the benefits of inclusion for students with disabilities.
What are the benefits for students with disabilities?
What are the benefits for the typical peers in the classroom.
Should all students with disabilities be included in the general education and to what extent?
Discuss the trends of inclusion for students with disabilities.
Are students being included now more than before or is it decreasing?
Are there certain disabilities that tend to be more excluded or included?
Are there other trends happening?
ProTip: The three primary bullets above can be used as your outline for your paper. Include APA headings for each of these sections to ensure that all criteria is included. Be sure to include an introduction and conclusion.
Provide a minimum of three reliable research reference points. Up to two references can be from class materials (textbook, articles, videos, etc.). Include at least one additional reference obtained through research.

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