Assignment type: Report Service: Writing Assignment size: 9 pages / 2500 words (

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Assignment size:
9 pages / 2500 words (Double spacing)
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English (UK)
Assignment topic:
business-focused REPORT on ONE of the product categories for your business.
Business and Management
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ASSESSMENT TASKWrite a business-focused REPORT on ONE of the product categories for your business. You MUST only choose from the above list, failure do so will carry a penalty.In your marketing report you must include the following:Introduction – purpose and structure of report
Choice of product – stipulate the product category the business will focus on.
Branding – create an attractive brand name for your business in line with theproduct category that you have decided on. Specify the colours, typography, jingle, and slogan for your business and justify these choices using marketing theory and models.
Competitor analysis – 3 main competitors (direct and indirect) with their strengths and weaknesses.
Segmentation – state the segmentation bases used underpinned by theory and models.
Targeting – specify the target market and targeting strategy underpinned by theory and models.
Positioning – craft a positioning statement for your business using generic strategies and a perceptual map. Underpin your choices with theory and models.
USP – Specify the Unique Selling Proposition for the business.
Marketing mix – Develop a marketing mix for product category sold by the business. This must include 4 elements of the marketing mix, namely Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Underpin your choices using theories and models learnt on the module. All these choices must align with the positioningadopted by the business.
Conclusion – State how the promotions element of your marketing mix will bemeasured.The content of the report must demonstrate research, academic skills and integrity deemed appropriate to Level 5 undergraduate degree studies.
As an ambitious student studying Business at University, you decide to start your own small business to be based in Zone 1, London. The business will be online and have a bricks & mortar presence.You will not be embarking on this business alone, you have a business partner, a pragmatic and experienced entrepreneur, who will fund the seed-money for your business and will exert his/her influence in business networking and establish supplier & distribution networks. Most of the decisions related to the business operations will be under your care, including the all-important marketing decisions.
Your business partner and you have done extensive research (including secondary and primary) to determine a gap in the market. You are not yet fully committed toa particular type of product category to sell but have decided that you only have the funds and resources to specialise on one type of product category. The choices are:
1) Unisex organic beauty products 2) Customisable Urban wear
3) Nutritional supplements
4) Locally sourced superfoodsYou must choose from ONE of the product categories above as the focus of your business.
READING REQUIREMENTYour work must be fully supported with references (cited in the Harvard style).Core readings:Textbooks:Andrews, J. Shimp, T. (2017) Advertising, Promotion, and other Aspects ofIntegrated Marketing Communications (10th edition), South West
Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019) Digital marketing : strategy,implementation and practice. Seventh edition. Harlow: Pearson Education.
Kotabe, M. and Helsen, K. (2022) Global Marketing Management (9thedition). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kotler, P., Keller. K.L., Chernev, A. (2022) Marketing Management GlobalEdition (16th edition), Harlow Essex: Pearson.Academic Articles:
Gronroos, C. (2009) ‘Marketing as promise management: regaining customer management for marketing’, The Journal of business & industrial marketing, 24(5/6), pp. 351–359. Available at:
Lang, L.D., Lim, W.M. and Guzmán, F. (2022) ‘How does promotion mix affect brand equity? Insights from a mixed-methods study of low involvement products’, Journal of business research, 141, pp. 175–190. Available at:
Mangold, W.G. and Faulds, D.J. (2009) ‘Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix’, Business horizons, 52(4), pp. 357–365. Available at:

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