Assignment size: 5.8 pages / 1600 words (Double spacing) Education level: Colleg

Assignment size:
5.8 pages / 1600 words (Double spacing)
Education level:
English (US)
Order Deadline:
Assignment topic:
Visionary Self-Narrative in 30 years
Other Visionary Self-Narrative
3 sources required
Citation Style:
1. 24-hour day narrative describing personal and political transformation in the future, not individual aspirations
2. includes multiple sensory descriptions: sights / sounds / smells / tastes / temperature or textures
3. describes change in structures: family, workplace, food, healthcare, government/taxes, legal, banking or finance
4. includes dialogue to demonstrate a change in systems: order, expectations, relationships of feminist praxis
5. applies intersectional concepts of gender and sexuality with class, race, culture/religion, ability
6. includes an ecological component from ecofeminism restoring structures/systems with the non-human living world
7. #5 and #6 supported by three quotes from different assigned readings (no video or audio quotes)
8. every quote includes in-text citations + full MLA citation on page 5 of your paper
9. college-level writing revised for spelling, grammar and mechanical errors
10. MLA format (examples below):
image from Purdue Owl
“MLA Formatting and Style Guide”…
In-text citation:
Hooks stated that the mistake of bourgeois
feminists was to locate “the basis for bonding [in]
shared victimization” (45).
3 works cited on page 5:
– Hooks, Bell. Feminist Theory: From Margin to
Center. South End Press, 1984.

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