In this assignment, you will complete a short ethnographic report through a clas

In this assignment, you will complete a short ethnographic report through a classical
theoretical lens. In this report, you will be asked to write about a public/private/virtual event
(a protest, rally, religious service, sporting event, family dinner, an office meeting etc.) that
you have recently attended. In this report, the student must pick up a specific theoretical
lens—Marxist, Weberian, or Durkheimian—to critically engage with the public space/event
that they have attended. Thus, students will not only have to use the concepts, perspectives,
and theories pertaining to their selected theorist, but also explain why similar concepts related
to the other two respective theorists are inferior.
This critique should have three sections:
1. A thick ethnographic description of the event in question.
2. Your Marxian/Weberian/Durkheimian analysis of the event.
3. An explanation as to why this theorist and his concepts are superior to the other
two relative to the analysis of this event.
Helpful questions to ask yourself (in no particular order):
Who is at this event? Who isn’t?
How are people situated? Is there a spatial or temporal hierarchy?
Are people interacting with each other or with any objects? How so?
What is the emotional climate like? Did it change over time? How so?
Why are people at this event? Why are you here? Has anybody left or appear excluded?
What social structures/patterns are or are not being produced/reproduced at this event?

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