Research Proposal – Literature review of your topic. Describe the key previous s

Research Proposal – Literature review of your topic. Describe the key previous studies on your topic. After this, provide a summary of what has been found, the limitations of previous research, and what still needs to be investigated. End a lit review by describing what you want to do in your proposed study. What questions(s) will you be addressing? What variables will you be testing?
Usability Analysis
For this stage, you will identify and conduct a minimum of 2 methods of usability assessment. A variety of different methods could be used (e.g., Neilsen’s Heuristic evaluation, Card Sorting, Cognitive Walkthrough, interviewing a subject matter expert) depending on the topic.
Present the results of your usability evaluations. The specific formatting will depend on the methods you used. For example, if you used Neilsen’s heuristic evaluation you should include the scores for each item. If you did a cognitive walkthrough you discuss the task completion time and compare it to an ideal. Wherever appropriate please include images or videos to illustrate your findings.
*Note, for methods involving participants you do not need to have a large number e.g., a cognitive walkthrough using 2 participants is enough
i have attached project stage 1 for reference

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