1. Discussion more 1850s Hot Bankster Mess. 1850s Hot Bankster Mess.pptx 2. Disc

1. Discussion more 1850s Hot Bankster Mess.
1850s Hot Bankster Mess.pptx
2. Discussion Quadroons and Octoroons.
In this 1850 scene the little slave girl is made fun of by the other slave children because she is so light in complexion (It is because she is the plantation owner’s out of wedlock daughter.)

Enjoy the WORD document, you will hear about a part of the pre-Civil War South you have never heard of before.
Another choice in approaching this topic is to Reply to a classmate’s response to the topic in at least 3 sentences and of course ‘I agree with you Robert.’ does not cut it.
3. Discussion A Profile of One of Post-Civil War Reconstruction’s Leaders.
Thaddeus Stevens: Statesman, Philanthropist, Visionary
Another choice in approaching this topic is to Reply to a classmate’s response to the topic in at least 3 sentences and of course ‘I agree with you Robert.’ does not cut it.
4. Discussion Union and Confederate Allies During the Civil War.
How does the Chapter 14 Power Point topic in “Files” of what influenced Lincoln’s actions during the Civil War differ from narrative in the textbook on allied nations during the Civil War?
Below are actual 1860s illustrations created by those opposing Lincoln.
Below is a drawing of how many in 1860s Alabama saw Lincoln as the head of that
‘evil’ Washington D.C. based governement that was threatening beautiful Alabama’s sovereignty.
Okay, okay below are some few 21st Century second looks at ‘evil’ Lincoln. ‘Did Lincoln commit the crime outlined in the Power Point?’
Keep going. You will get to the Power Point to read at the bottom.
Place this Power Point (Chp 14 Topic 1) is slideshow after downloading it. =
Yes, this next Power Point is ‘wild’ as ____. But after placing it in slideshow, we ask ourselves the question ‘Was the Civil War, like all wars actually mass sacrifices by the elite?’ = Chp 14 Topic 2.pptx

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