For this assignment, you do not need any sources outside of the book you are wri

For this assignment, you do not need any sources outside of the book you are writing on. Choose a book you have found interesting that we have read by October 26, and then use close reading on no more than three passages to make an argument about how the text is working to create meaning. That argument will be your essay’s thesis. Here are some potential topics, but feel free to work on any aspect of the book you find interesting:
a) Doubling in Mopsa the Fairy.
b) Eating and food in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
c) Social class in The Carved Lions
One of the best ways to begin writing a paper is to think of a question that the readings brought up for you. That question might be very broad, such as “What’s going on with all the parallels between the horses and issues of race in Black Beauty?” or it might be very specific, such as “What is the significance of the Queen of Hearts’s bloodthirstiness?” If your question is very broad, you will need to focus it more tightly, by reading and re-reading the text, so that it becomes something more like “How does Black Beauty use the genre of the slave narrative to garner sympathy for its narrator?” Once your question is narrow enough, it’s time to take notes on your text; from those notes, you will craft an answer to your question, and that will be your thesis.
Formatting Rules
Every assignment you send me must conform to the following style rules.
1) The pages must be numbered.
2) The paper must have a Works Cited page formatted in MLA style. You can find the way to do this at
3) The pages should have 1” margins on the top and bottom, and 11⁄4” on left and right.
4) Do not skip lines between paragraphs. Microsoft Word defaults to skipping lines between paragraphs. You’ll have to reset it, because that’s unnecessary when your work is double-spaced, which it should be (see below).
5) It must have parenthetical citations in MLA style, not footnotes. You can find the way to do this at
6) In the upper left-hand corner of your first page, you should have, each item on its own line:

Your Name
The Course Title
Your Professor’s Name The Date the Paper is Due
7) Do not include a cover page.
8) Your paper must be double-spaced and typed in 12-point Times New Roman. 9) All papers must be uploaded in .doc, .docx, or Google Docs format.

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