The “Current Events in Public Health” assignments are designed to help integrate

The “Current Events in Public Health” assignments are designed to help integrate the concepts in each module and then relate them to public health current events. This week the topic is: Using Healthy People 2023
This week, you will read one more of the articles from last week. Choose a different one from last week. You will read and summarize it with a personal viewpoint.
Then we go back to Healthy People 2030, the government initiative to “identify health improvement priorities. Increase public awareness and understanding of the determinants of health, disease, and disability and the opportunities for progress. Then you will find a Healthy People Category, Initiative and Goal that matches the article.
Article 1: Meet Teens Taking On What Experts Call a Mental Health Crisis Links to an external site.
Article 2: They Escaped from the Woods. Witnesses Describe a School ShootingLinks to an external site.
Article 3: Obesity is Becoming More Common in a Growing Number of StatesLinks to an external site.
Assignment Steps
1. Read one of the articles above.
2. Write a short summary. Read my example for help.
3. Find a HP 2030 goal that matches a goal for the article To do this, go back to the HP 2030 Objectives pageLinks to an external site.and type the topic word in the runway (where I have red X’s). You will get more than one goal. Pick ONE that interests you. Write the goal AND number.

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