You are the advisor to a senior policy maker tasked with writing a report for yo

You are the advisor to a senior policy maker tasked with writing a report for your boss. They have asked you to give some recommendations, regarding the national strategy for combating terrorism on both global and domestic fronts, and how to improve policy options for defeating terrorism, including your recommendations for reform for the Intelligence Community. What do you tell them in your report, and why?
The text of the report should be no fewer than 3 pages and no more than 6, double-spaced, 12 font.
You should apply information that you have obtained from class readings and external resources. You should have at least four credible references.
A white paper usually includes the following elements:
An executive summary:Provide an overview of the report’s purpose, problem being addressed, research methods, & recommendations.
An executive should be able to read this and not be missing anything of major importance from the full paper.
Summarize the most important information from each of the sections.
Relevant background information:Include enough basic information about the challenge your organization is facing
Make sure to shape your communication style for the audience. Write in a clear, professional manner.
Briefly describe your research methods and the purpose of your report. Your audience may wish to know where you got your info.
A clear discussion of the problem and why it is importantBe specific when defining your organization’s problem
Analyze the problem’s causes
Explain who is affected and what is at stake
Different perspectives related to the problem, and alternative solutions:Separately identify three or four different approaches or ways of understanding your company and its problem (Make sure to use headings and subheadings. Bosses don’t like to struggle to find the info)
Define a full range of arguments. Make sure to include ones that are contrary to your final recommendation.
Your recommendations and reasoningYou must provide evidence for your reasoning
Each recommendation must be not only possible but feasible.
Appendices and supplementary material.
A reference list page at the end.

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