Identify at least 7 significant examples of personal creativity of over the cour

Identify at least 7 significant examples of personal creativity of over the course of your life. Analyze your motivations and how these creative examples have shaped your understanding of creativity and your perception of your own creative abilities. This could be completed as an infographic, slide or narrative. Include images of your creativity if possible.
Event Descriptions:
For each event, provide a short description of the event, the creative output, and what made it a significant moment in your creative journey.
Analysis of Themes and Theories:
In addition to the timeline, identify, analyze, and describe the themes that emerge from these key moments and relate them to characteristics and theories of creativity covered in the class, as well as your own definition of creativity. Be sure to include missed opportunities for creativity and how the myths about creativity may have impacted your creative journey.
Guiding Stems:
Below are some stems that can help guide your event descriptions and analysis:
For me, being creative means…
I was the most creative when…because…
I missed an opportunity to be creative when…because…
I had a positive impact on others by…

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