Part I
1. Choose a crime that affected your community (VANCOUVER CANADA), home state, or country. This crime should have occurred years ago with a conclusion in the court system through a criminal trial or a plea agreement. MUST DO VANCOUVER CANADA
Since its conclusion, did the following criminal justice entities restore a sense of safety in your community?
Example: Did the police restore and bring justice to this crime? Why or why not?
Did the Prosecutor`s Office provide the community or victim with relief as a result of their work in this case?
Did the Judge provide a message in his or her sentence as a result of the sentencing? Explain the resulting relief or the failure to provide relief to a grieving community.
2. What would you have done to impose a stiffer sentence and why?
Place yourself in the role of a Police Officer, Prosecutor, or Judge. (Choose 1)
Part II
Choose a story from the textbook that can be found in any chapter. What are your thoughts regarding this viewpoint or case and what interested you after reading this story?
Part III
In the wake of the events that have occurred with the mass shooting in Lewistown, Maine, what would you do to provide a sense of safety to this community? (In your own words)
With the suspect still at large, how do you predict this individual will be brought to face justice? Is the ongoing claim of mental illness a credible defense, explain.
This is a 5 to 7-page paper and we will discuss Parts 1 and 3 next week in class. Each student will share their story regarding Part 1 and collectively, we will determine if our bright like-minded ideas align with one another as it relates to Part 3.
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