a. Paper draft- This draft should be the complete paper, with at least four page

a. Paper draft- This draft should be the complete paper, with at least four pages of text (1500 words or more in the body of the paper), a title page(name is “Nandoe(Kenny)Okafor”, (prof is Ram Reinhart) and a bibliography page.
TOPIC: (Does our socialization determine us? How free are we?) I need a thesis, introduction,Body paragraphs, and conclusion with every line of my work cited unless its an opinion
Thesis- the thesis statement should clearly state the purpose and argument of the paper. You are allowed to use first person in my papers and you should say something like “the purpose of this paper is to…” and/or “I will argue that…”
Outline: the outline is to keep you organized. Your outline can be in paragraph form, and should be the second paragraph of your paper. It presents the main points that you will cover in your paper in order to convince the reader (Dr. Reimer in this case) that your argument is valid and well-supported. For example: “To support my thesis, I will first…Second, I will…Then I will…” You can also present the outline in point form for this step, and then translate it into paragraph form in your paper.
Bibliography- at least four academic sources, in alphabetical order and in proper APA format. One of the four is your textbook.
All this should be on one single-space typed page with your name at the top.
One source must be your textbook. Here is the APA format for it:
Steckley, J. (2020). Elements of Sociology (5th ed.) Oxford University Press Canada.

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