Provide an overview of the chapter in a paragraph and a separate overview paragr

Provide an overview of the chapter in a paragraph and a separate overview paragrahp for two of the assigned videos this week.  (An average paragraph is 6 sentences)
Choose three main points that were most interesting to you for the reading and a separate 3 for the two videos, including the page number from the chapter and name the videos you watched. Provide an indepth explanation of each point you chose and share your thoughts.
For one of the points you shared from the reading and one of the points you shared from the videos, share how this applies to your life. You can discuss your own childhood, your own children, the children you teach, and any other related experiences.
Please format your responses by listing each number and your response:
Overview of the chapter and videos.  (4 points)
Three main points for reading and videos. The page number must be included and the video name, as well as your explanation and thoughts on each point listed. (3 points)
For at least one of the points you listed from the reading and one from the videos, share your own experiences. (3 points)

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