Before you begin, please read the handout A Brief Guide to Analyzing and Writing

Before you begin, please read the handout A Brief Guide to Analyzing and Writing About Primary Sources Download A Brief Guide to Analyzing and Writing About Primary Sources. Then read these two Primary Source readings:
Olaudah Equiano ExcerptDownload Olaudah Equiano Excerpt
Thomas Phillips ExcerptDownload Thomas Phillips ExcerptAfter reading the primary sources, pick a topic related to Europeans and Africans in the Transatlantic Slave Trade that you would like to analyze in your essay. Potential topics include:
African perceptions of European slave traders or the slave trade.
European perceptions of Africans slaves or African traders.
The role of violence in the slave trade.
African resistance to the slave trade.
The relationship and negotiations between European and African traders.
You can also develop your own topic based on your own interests. Email your instructor your potential topic and they can help you refine it as needed. You must develop a topic based on your reading of both primary sources and you must analyze evidence from both sources in your paper.
Your essay should be at least three pages in length. Please use 12-point font and double-spacing. Your essay must have a works cited page and follow MLA style.

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