JOURNALCRITIQUEASSIGNMENTINSTRUCTIONS For each Journal Critique, you will evalua

For each Journal Critique, you will evaluate and critique one research article from a professional
journal. The journal can be from any discipline that details the current trends in special education
leadership. You are encouraged to select articles to help you complete your Journal Analysis
Paper Assignment. All articles must be current (published within the last five years). The
assignment must be in current APA format and must include a title page and a reference page; it
must also be 225–250 words. The title page, in-text citations, and reference page are NOT
included in the word limit.
Journal Critiques consist of 3 parts (each part must be only 1 paragraph): Part 1 – Summary
Paragraph, Part 2 – Analysis of Author’s Key Points, and Part 3 – Personal Response. Personal
pronouns are appropriate only in the Part 3 – Personal Response section of the Journal Critique.
When composing your reviews, remember to use professional, graduate-level writing. Do not
begin with “This article is about…” Instead, open the review with a strong thesis statement and
summarize the author’s main points in the first paragraph. Using third person, state your personal
reaction to the article in the final paragraph (“This author agrees/disagrees…” or “one can see
Note: This assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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