1. Use the point-and-click functions within SAS Studio > Tasks and Utilities > T

1. Use the point-and-click functions within SAS Studio > Tasks and Utilities > Tasks> Graph to generate a visualization of any variable included in your final project codebook. Take this opportunity to play with all of the options in the SAS Studio graphing tasks noting how the look of your figure changes as you turn on and off different options. Upload a PDF with your figure.
At the minimum, your figure should have:
Axis labels
Footnote with information about the data source and variable
Colors that are different from the default colors
2. Comment on at least two of the figures uploaded by your peers. What is one thing you like about the figure? What is one thing that could be improved about the figure? If you can, please wait until after the Wednesday night deadline to post comments for your peers to allow everyone a chance to upload their figure.
Note: at this point in the course, you will not be able to combine data from multiple data files in the same figure. Stay tuned! That is coming soon in this module.

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