Please use simple parenthetical citations (no need for works cited page) wheneve

Please use simple parenthetical citations (no need for works cited page) whenever you refer to a concept or idea taken from a reading! For example: (Tufecki, 2010, p.#) or if citing lecture (Lin, DATE OF LECTURE, TITLE OF LECTURE).
number your answers according to the numbers listed below (#1-15). Double-space the document and use Times New Romans and 12-pt font with 1-inch margins.
please answer all questions in your own words. This means do not copy lecture slides or rely on quotes from the readings to do your explaining for you. You will be marked down for using the same words that appear on PowerPoint slides, in lectures, and in quotes from readings, especially when they are not explained.
At the same time, do NOT rely out outside-the-course sources for your answers. This is partly why many questions say “According to lecture”–outside sources may only confuse you as different people may refer to different writings, theories, or works (some we discuss, some we do not). We are testing you on COURSE knowledge on all questions.
Choose 10 questions to answer. If you answer more than 10 questions, only the first 10 will be counted. Each answer should be a fairly short paragraph (4-6 sentences). This means every sentence, phrase, and words count! Be specific, to the point, and clear—this shows a definitive understanding of the concepts. Read the questions carefully and answer them directly. Do not just spew all the knowledge you have on the general topic, but answer the questions specifically.
According to Castells, what is the culture of autonomy? Based on lecture, how does postcapitalism serve as Castell’s example of the potential positive benefit that networked society could have on contemporary economic and society structures?
In Turkle’s Alone Together, what is her main argument about how technology appeals to us? How are sociable robots a key example of this?
What is technological determinism? Give an example of a reading from class that is a good example of technological determinism and explain why it is a good example.
According to Hampton’s (2010) The Social Life of Wireless Urban Spaces, how is technology changing the use of urban public spaces? According to lecture, what is the potential concern/downside of this shift?
What does it mean for social capital to be both an individual and collective good? How does Putnam understand this and what is his argument about social decapitalization?
Define strong ties and weak ties. According to Granovetter, what is the main benefit to weak ties and why? What is the most valuable weak tie and why?
According to Chen, in what ways does 4chan resemble Habermas’ public sphere? According to lecture, how does the identity of 4chan members affect the culture that is produced?
According to lecture, what are the most important aspects of Actor Network Theory as it applies to technology (or to this course)? How does the example of Sharknado illustrate this?
According to Tufecki, what is the hyperpersonal nature of cyberspace? What finding does she discover that she argues is evidence of this?
According to Zuboff, what is surveillance capital? What does it mean to informate and how is this becoming increasingly profitable?
According to first generation Medium Theory, what are the three periods of history? How does the electronic medium affect social roles?
What is the First, Second, and Third Place and what is the key definitive difference between them? According to lecture, why are Third Places important?
What is Orlikowski’s argument about the time-space discontinuity? How does this help explain the conflicting theories of social constructivism and technological determinism?
According to Goldhaber, what is illusory attention and why is it important in an attention economy? According to lecture, what does wealth look like in an attention economy?

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