Watch one of the full episodes (approx. 50 minutes) or the full documentary (app

Watch one of the full episodes (approx. 50 minutes) or the full documentary (approx. 90 minutes) and
write a report in which you will list and discuss the three most significant concepts/ideas/revelations
concerning operations and supply chain management that you took away. In your discussion, explain why
you believe that each of these three are “most significant”.1-
1- typed
2- Three page minimum (a full three pages); four page maximum
3- 1.5 line spacing
4- font size between 10 – 12
Option 1:
An episode from America Revealed (previously available through PBS)
Three episodes of this series are available through the following YouTube links, which are available at
the time of this point. Watch any one episode for the report.
Made in the USA:
Food machine:
Electric nation:
Report Option 2:
American Factory (documentary film available on Netflix; if you don’t have an account just watch an
episode of America Revealed instead!)
Report Option 3:
An episode of Inside the Factory
Free episodes available in full here:…

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