Philosophy of Ministry: First Draft Assignment Instructions Overview Throughou

Philosophy of Ministry: First Draft Assignment Instructions
Throughout this course, you will be learning what other pastors and ministry leaders consider to be characteristics and activities of a healthy local church. The goal is to learn from God’s Word along with their wisdom and experience so that you can establish your own philosophy of church ministry. This philosophy will help you identify healthy churches in which you can serve and lead.
In this initial draft, you are to share your current knowledge and opinions in each area. You do not have to read the textbooks before submitting the paper. The purpose of this activity is to establish a baseline of your understanding upon which you will build throughout the term.
Later in the course, you will write a final version of this same paper. In the final version, you will apply what you have learned throughout the term and share whether or not your knowledge has grown or your opinion has changed.
NOTE that you will not be graded on your opinions and beliefs! Your grade will be determined by how well you articulate and support your opinions and beliefs.
It is highly recommended that you review the rubric for this assignment so that you will be aware of how the evaluation will be made.
You will submit a paper meeting the following criteria.
The body of your paper must be 675-750 words. [The title, contents, and bibliography pages are not included in this word count.]
Turabian format is required for all papers in this course. Refer to the Turabian resources found in the Syllabus if needed.
You must use at least two sources for this paper. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source. The Bible can be used as one of your sources.
Your paper should include the following sections, and each section should be identified with the given section titles (both first and second level) highlighted below. (You are not to highlight them in your paper. They are only highlighted here for identification.) This paper is meant to be written in first person.

For each section, do not simply answer the questions. Explain why you have come to your conclusions. You are not limited to the questions that are provided, nor do you need to answer them all. They are only discussion prompts.
Part One: Teaching the Truth (first level heading)
What Should Be Taught (second level heading) – In this section discuss what should be taught. Do you believe that the church should strictly teach the Bible? Can the church teach from other sources? How do you determine what is and is not acceptable material?
Methods of Teaching (second level heading) – In this section discuss how the material should be taught. Do you teach topically? Exegetically? Corporately? Individually? Any combination of these? Or is there another approach you would take to teaching?
Part Two: Sharing and Receiving the Gospel (first level heading)
Conversion (second level heading) – In this section discuss what is necessary for a person to be saved.
Evangelism (second level heading) – In this section discuss your perspective on evangelism. Is evangelism necessary? Is evangelism required? How do you go about evangelizing?
Part Three: Membership and Church Discipline (first level heading)
Membership (second level heading) – In this section discuss your views on membership. Is church membership necessary? Why or why not? What does church membership look like?
Church Discipline (second level heading) – In this section discuss your view on church discipline. Is church discipline necessary? Why or why not? What does church discipline look like?
Part Four: Spiritual Leadership (first level heading)
Requirements for Spiritual Leadership (second level heading) – In this section discuss what characteristics or actions are required of spiritual leaders.
Activities of Spiritual Leadership (second level heading) – In this section discuss what you believe spiritual leaders do in the church.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
The student will post one thread of at least 300 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions from both assigned textbook readings and with at least 1 other scholarly source cited in current Turabian format. No research, however, is necessary in the Final Reflections on Romans discussion. Acceptable sources include the textbook, other books on the topic, and journal articles. The Bible, concordances, and dictionaries are assumed and should be cited but do not count toward the three required citations. Unpublished Internet sources are not usable sources for this class.
Paul’s Gospel and Mission
Write a reflection on Romans 1:1-7 to identify the content of Paul’s gospel and his motivation for mission. Consider the following as you develop the thread:
In what way was Jesus appointed Son of God with power?
What is the meaning of the “obedience of faith?”
What is the content of the gospel as identified in that passage?
What is the purpose of Paul’s call to apostleship?
What is Paul’s motivation for mission?
How does Paul’s motivation compare to your church’s motivation?

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