Many college and professional athletes are on some type of anabolic steroid.
Using proper essay format, research and describe the biochemistry and physiology of anabolic steroids.
Using proper essay format, research and discuss the following with your classmates:
How do anabolic steroids work? That is, how do they make muscles grow?
Describe the androgenic and anabolic functions of natural testosterone in the body compared to synthetic anaobolic steroids.
As adults, do your muscle cells undergo mitotic cell division?
What is the connection between cholesterol, testosterone, and estrogen?
What is the difference between anabolic steroids and the steroids your doctor prescribes for inflammation?
Do herbal supplements like Tribilus terrestris (punctured vine), Trigonella foenum-graecum (Fenugreek), and Withania somnifera (Ashawagandha) increase a man’s or a woman’s blood testosterone level?
What are the side effects of steroid use?
How are anabolic steroids linked to neoplastic disease (cancer)?
Do you think professional athletes should be tested for anabolic steroid use?
Why do athletes like to take synthetic anabolic steroids rather than testosterone to get their muscles to grow?
Use at least one (reputable) scientific source (list websites). Your references need to be specific and listed at the end of your information paragraph.
I need to trace your references back to the original articles you cite in your information paragraph.
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