the prompt: The event that we plan on conducting is a flag football game between

the prompt: The event that we plan on conducting is a flag football game between the current Washington Commanders team and Local High School Area Players. A list of the top high school players in the DMV will be contacted to see if they are interested in the event. This game will be a free event open to the public. The purpose of this event is to draw interest for the Washington Commanders team and to get the fanbase more excited about the upcoming season by getting involved in the community.
The goals for this event includes to increase ticket sales for the upcoming season by promoting the team in a positive light. Another goal for this event is to get more fan engagement and more interest for the Washington Commanders by allowing local high school players to have the opportunity to play against commanders players.
What you need to complete: SWOT analysis and Risk Management. (Be as clear as you can)

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