Calculate and prepare the static budget, flexible budget, and actual results bas

Calculate and prepare the static budget, flexible budget, and actual results based upon the following information:
Volume Assumptions
FFS Visit Volume50,000 visits72,000 visits
Payer Mix:
Blue Cross30%30%
Reimbursement Rates:
Blue Cross$45 per visit$38 per visit
Highmark$40 per visit$48 per visit
Variable Costs
Resource Inputs:
Labor28,000 total hours40,000 total hours
Supplies80,000 total units120,000 total units
Resource Input Prices:$35.00 per hour$38.00 per hour
Supplies$2,50 per unit$3.50 per unit
Fixed Costs$500,000$500,000
Answer the following questions: Using the Variance Analysis Informatio, what are the profit variance, revenue variance, and cost variance?
Considering the revenue side, what is the volume variance and price variance?
Considering the cost side, what is the volume variance and management variance?
Break the management variance into labor, supplies, and fixed cost variances.
Break down the labor and supplies variances into rate/price and efficiency/usage components.

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