Please carefully review the guidelines below: 1. Double space, use 12 pt. Times

Please carefully review the guidelines below:
1. Double space, use 12 pt. Times New Roman font and MLA formatting for your
2. Insert the word count after each question. Include any citations at the end of each
response. Points will be deducted if citations are not included or cited properly.
3. Cut and paste the question prompt onto your document, but do not include it in your
word count.
4. Avoid filler; get right to answering the question.
5. Work alone. Do not use AI/ChatGPT, the ideas of others, or “borrow” ideas you find
elsewhere. (All work will be subjected to a plagiarism review.)
6. Make sure to cite any sources including textbooks or other readings that you reference,
in the body of your answer (using in-text citations). While I encourage you to engage
with your notes and ideas from class discussion, do not use quote class discussions or use
notes as a source. For instance, avoid writing “as we said in class. . .” Develop ideas we
have explored in class and build your own analysis from them.
7. Please do not paraphrase. Use direct quotes. Paraphrasing often leads to plagiarism.
8. Make sure to provide analysis and think critically, again, go beyond what we have
may have explored in class.
9. Provide context/evidence/analysis from television shows, or documentaries we have
watched, whenever possible. Re-watching a show/film may be very helpful.
10. I strongly suggest that you outline your answers to the question prompts first to make
sure that you address what it is asking in depth. This is also important because your
answer should be well-written and have a clear structure (an intro, body, conclusion).
11. Make sure that there is no repetition, in other words, no parts of one response should
appear in another response—no double dipping.
12. Only use academic sources. This includes books, scholarly journals, newspapers, and
magazines, primarily. To search for sources, the library databases JSTOR and Project
Muse may be particularly helpful.
Grading Guidelines
The points you receive for each response are based on the following criteria:
-Following all the guidelines I’ve spelled out above.
-Effective usage of language/mechanics/structure. Please proofread!
-Answering the question with precision and clarity. No filler!
-Including research, when required, and proper citation of any sources, including in-text
citations, and full citations at the end of your response.
-Evidence of critical thinking on your part, that is, the degree to which your response
provides analysis and description.
Question Prompts ~ (Please read them carefully.)
Respond to 3 of the 4 prompts. Each response is worth a maximum of 34/33/33 points each for a
total of 100 points. Each response should be between 3 and no more than 4 pages. Remember to
include in-text citations and a full list of citations used at the end of each response.
1. TV As an Archive (Sources required)
We discussed the notion of TV as an archive at length. Describe some of the different
ways that television acts as an archive. Consider terms like preservation, nostalgia,
history, and power among other relevant concepts. Identify specific ways in which TV
has been archived and what we might learn when observing the practices of TV
archiving and the archival collections themselves. Also consider the various forms that a
TV archive might take. Be specific and use sources to support your argument/discussion.
2. TV Style and Genre (Sources required)
What is meant by style and how is style interwoven with genre? Define style and genre
then move on to providing analysis of a specific genre we have discussed and an example
of a show that we have watched. Discuss how the show’s relationship between formal
elements, style, and its generic conventions. You could also discuss one additional show
in the genre you have discussed that we have not seen, but this is not necessary.
3. The Evolution of Women in Television (Sources required)
Over many weeks we have discussed a number of influential women in television and
some of the readings and documentaries have expanded our understanding of the many
different roles that women have played in television. Provide a historical account of the
impact of some of these women and the roles they have played as creators/producers,
writers, audiences etc. You cannot account for every bit of this history in three to four
pages but find a compelling angle to approach this topic.
4. TV and Spectacle (Sources encouraged)
For this prompt I want you to think critically about the many ways in which television
functions as spectacle. Consider and define the meaning of spectacle and what it means to
look at, to be attracted to looking and the implications of the visual attributes of TV.
Select specific shows or images which highlight television’s power to draw us in and
make us look, and images or shows which have created or used visual spectacles to
attract our attention. You might also consider how the show or image you analyze has
made an impact on television or our social discourse.
I have also attached few fills for additional understanding and reading

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