(1,000 words) in APA format (including cover page, in-text citations, and refere

(1,000 words) in APA format (including cover page, in-text citations, and reference page) about how your media consumption has influenced:
How you see yourself
How you see others
How you see the world
The essay should have the following:
Introductory paragraph with a thesis statements: The purpose of this essay is to discuss x, y and z. This essay will focus on x, y and z points.
“How much” or “how little” media you consumed during the week and discuss the extent to which this is a typical week and if it not typical, why not.
What does a typical week of media consumption look like for you?
Share any surprises you found from your media consumption for the week.
A substantial section of the essay where you analyze and discuss:
How different individuals are represented in the media you consume and/or you can comment on who is not represented in the media you consume:
Please choose at least three aspects of identity to discuss–race, gender expression, age, sexual identity, disability, chronic illness, economic status, religion—and explain whether the representations that you see and hear in the media that you consume are accurate, inaccurate, and/or based on stereotypes, myths and/or misinformation. Which stereotypes, myths and misinformation is being included and how does that influence how we see ourselves, other people and the world? If you think it’s an accurate representation, please explain why you think it’s accurate.
In this section, also discuss how media consumption is linked to leisure
(cite at least two course readings to support this part of your essay).
A concluding section of the essay where you discuss how you can become a more critical consumer of media:
How can you be more thoughtful in your consumption, understanding and analysis of your media?
For this final section, read at least one of the links below to inform your response (be sure to cite your source)
You can also find your own essay/article about critical consumption of media (be sure to cite it in the paper and at the end)
Reminder: All must be written in APA format, including: cover page, in-text citations, and a reference page.

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