You will complete a comparison analysis of two companies regarding Global Market

You will complete a comparison analysis of two companies regarding Global Marketing and Human Resource strategies. Instructions: • Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (12 slides maximum) comparing and contrasting two global companies of your choice.  
In your analysis, address the following at a minimum:
 • One slide summary for each of the companies and products 
• What global marketing strategies have these companies implemented to stay ahead of their competitors? Make sure to incorporate the marketing mix variables, pricing and market segmentation. 
• What are their human resource strategies with regards to staffing and retaining talent? • What is their source of competitive advantage? 
• If you were the leader running these companies, would you change anything? Why or why not? 
• As previously, make sure to integrate class content in your analysis and cite your sources.  
• Maximum of twelve slides in length, excluding the Title and Reference page. 
• APA format, including an in-text citation for referenced works. 
• At least three resources. 

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