Assignment:  Conduct a gender analysis of the Rwandan Genocide using the framewo

Assignment:  Conduct a gender analysis of the Rwandan Genocide using the framework provided below:  
Framework for Gender Analysis (Key Questions)
Question #1.  What are the causes of the conflict?  Are there differences or similarities between women’s and men’s views and experiences in different groups, from combatant to peacemakers?
Question #2.  Who are the key actors in the conflict?  Who is taking the lead in contributing to conflict?  What is the gender composition of these key actors?  Does intersectionality play a role (race/ethnicity, religion, etc.)?
Question #3.  What types of violence are there and at what levels?  Is there political violence and by whom?  Is there gender-based or conflict-related sexual violence?  Who are the perpetrators and the victims? Which groups of women and men are particularly at risk in this conflict setting?
Question #4.  What evidence is there of the continuum of violence? 
Pre-conflict: What is the status of women beforethe Genocide?  Did they have equal rights with men? 
Conflict:  What is the status of women during the conflict?  Are they specifically targeted and how?
Post-conflict:  How do women fare after the conflict?  Do they continue to suffer?  Do they gain any new freedoms?
Question #5.  Who is involved in the peace process and how? Are women physically present at the peace process?  Are gender issues addressed?  Who is taking the lead in contributing to peaceful resolution of the conflict or humanitarian response?
This project should include a minimum of 350words.  I have included more readings than useful, but the intent is not for you to read in depth every single article, but rather for you to use them as a resource to find the information you need to answer the questions.  You must use the resources provided-readings

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