All parts must be completed for full credit. Choose one big idea from Chapters 3

All parts must be completed for full credit.
Choose one big idea from Chapters 3,4,5 to create your paragraph following the below outline. You will notice we are using perfect paragraph structure like we did for Essay 1 🙂 Answer each part below.
1. Use a transition and create a topic sentence to include the idea that 3 important concepts that help decision making found in Gladwell’s text from Chapters 3,4,5 are __________, ____________, _____________.
Write topic sentence here:
2. Transition + main point 1 sentence that explains an important concept in chapter 3
Context + quote that illustrates the concept.
Explanation of why this concept could help someone make a good decision.
Write your quotation sandwich here:
3. Transition + main point 2 sentence that explains an important concept in chapter 4
Context + quote that illustrates the concept.
Explanation of why this concept could help someone make a good decision.
Write your quotation sandwich here:
4. Transition + main point 3 sentence that explains tan important concept in chapter 5
Context + quote that illustrates the concept
Explanation of why this concept could help someone make a good decision.
Write your quotation sandwich here:
Now, put all of those sentences together into a properly formatted paragraph.

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