Please read the Ethics Consult: Genetic Testing for Potential Employees Links to

Please read the Ethics Consult: Genetic Testing for Potential Employees Links to an external site. hypothetical case and the associated commentary Links to an external site. from an MD/JD bioethicist. Reflect on the question posed in the case: Should our society permit him to require this sort of genetic testing of prospective employees? You will also want to familiarize yourself with the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA Links to an external site.) of 2008. Is genetic testing/screening a responsible strategy for organizations to remain solvent/sustainable or is this a disguised means of discrimination? Because genetic data may report “risk” versus the actual likelihood of disease development, what is the value of pre-screening genetic testing for employability? Furthermore, professions such as Respiratory Care, have technical standards necessary to perform on the job. How does this impact the role of genetic testing for employment or education?

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