Part One Create a short story involving the following categories. Use your kno

Part One
Create a short story involving the following categories. Use your knowledge  of the impact of the type of loss/relationship to deceased and  developmental stage and describe examples of the understanding of the  death, reactions to the loss, developmental concerns,and three  interventions.
Person Who Died
Death of a Parent (mother)
Type of Death
Death from Cancer
Developmental Stage of Grieving Child
Spiritual Beliefs
Part 2
Create a short script to explain the Type of Death/Person Lost in Part One:
School Age
Part Three
Create  a Resource List of books, organizations, and websites that would be  appropriate for the Type of Death in Part One. Write a short description  for the books/resources and include a photo/logo for each.
Include at least:
Five (5) Children’s Books
Three (3) Local Resources (Elizabeth City NC)
Three (3) National Resources

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