This portion of this assignment has one part. Pick one of the six business scena

This portion of this assignment has one part.
Pick one of the six business scenarios below to discuss.
Address three of the dimensions (further below) in your original post of at least 500 words. You
should estimate about 100-200 words on what you would do and 300-400
words on why that was your decision (i.e., the three dimensions). Your
original post is the “Part 1” date shown in the course schedule. You
will be able to see your classmate’s posts only after you write your
original post.
Select one scenario:
You are working on a project along
with several other companies and you notice that one of the companies is
doing shoddy, dangerous work. If you report that company, the entire
project may be shut down and you will lose 20% of your revenues for the
year. Do you report the problem? How? Why?
Your budgets are tight. You procure
some business services but you did not receive their invoice – and six
months go by. Do you remind them to send the invoice? Why?
Your products have been profitable
partly because of misrepresenting their quality. Do you address the
quality problem which will negatively affect your profitability and your
bonus? How do you address this problem?
One of your leading researchers has
been accused of plagiarism and the evidence has been published. How do
you address the media and customers (with respect to product safety),
your investors (with respect to product integrity), governmental
organizations (with respect to regulatory approvals), and the accused
Your company makes microchips for the
electronics industry and you have limited evidence that your female
population has abnormally high rates of miscarriages, birth defects,
infertility, and prolonged menstrual cycles. Performing the detective
work to identify the cause, if any, will take years and millions of
dollars – and that’s before any effective changes can be implemented.
As the department supervisor of the quality control department, your job
may be at risk even though you have internal, external, and regulatory
confirmation that your facility does not use any carcinogens, mutagens,
and reproductive toxins. Do you begin the multi-year expensive
investigation? Why or why not?
You are a college student. One of
your professors warns against plagiarism but the other never mentions
it. You are suffering in both classes. Do you check Chegg, CourseHero,
Socratic, Solely, and other sources for help with your assignments in
either class? Why or why not? What about their use on quizzes and
exams? How do you act if you are not caught? How do you act if you are
caught? What will you do if you are determined by your manager at your
full time job that you don’t really know the material because you
relied on these tools?
Ethical Dimensions:
If morals are personal in nature
(whether religious, political, or philosophical) and ethics are how
businesses apply a set of beliefs in short- and long-term decision
making, how do you handle situations where one conflicts with another?
Environmental concerns (water, air, noise, space, pollution, etc.,)
Human safety (yours, co-workers, customers, public)
Regulatory compliance / legal constraints
The effect of my intentions based on
personal beliefs versus the actual or perceived impact on other persons
or businesses that you may not have ever considered
Cultural differences that contain
varying priorities, beliefs, or expectations regardless of your personal
beliefs (such as child labor, OSHA regulations, tax laws, gifts)
How do you handle the situation that the other party does not have all of the “facts” as we know them?
How do you handle the situation where no one, including you, will know the outcome until years later?
How do you handle the situation where
a decision must be made in a short time frame without the ability to
have all of the facts?
How do you handle the situation where the potential decision is legal but some, perhaps many, consider it to be unethical?
Is the decision being made still good if the roles are reversed?
Is the decision being made still good
if the sexes are changed? The skin color? The language? The
religion? The law? The monetary outcome?
Is my personal sense of right and
wrong, my conscious (whether guilty or clean), an accurate yardstick?
Why? How? How do you respond if the other party also claims that they
know that their decision is right and good?
Is my personal sense of right and
good for others an accurate yardstick? Why? How? How do you respond
if the other party also claims that they know that their decision is
right and good?
When does one person’s sense of correct ethical behavior overrule another person’s correct ethical behavior?
Final Note:
If you
insist on saying that you will know what is right because “that has been
how you always have made good decisions”, “your parents taught you
well”, “my experiences with ______”, etc., you must be able to strongly support your opinion
based on on an objective standard. After all, both you and I have
biases – we need to have something outside of ourselves, something
objective, to use as a milestone. (Consider it this way: Why would
your belief overrule my belief if all we have to go on is our statements
of “I know what’s right”?) Reread all of the Ethical Dimensions above
and reconsider your proposed answer.

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