For this discussion, you will examine the course of the American Revolutionary W

For this discussion, you will examine the course of the American Revolutionary War. Your task is to take a position concerning the strengths or advantages of one side (either the British or the American colonies). To complicate the notion that British defeat was inevitable, we will have persons in the discussion forum arguing in support of both sides. If your last name begins with a letter in the range A-M, you must support the claim that the British had significant strengths or advantages. If your last name begins with a letter in the range N-Z, you will argue for the American colonists. Please provide specific information to support your position, including key campaigns, battles, resources, etc. You will pull information from Chapter 7 in American Promise on the American Revolution.
Submit your original response to this forum. You must also read and respond to the postings submitted by at least two other students by the deadline.
I know my last name is Fields, but I will be in the range of N-Z so I will argue in favor of the American Colonists.

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