My topic is about the spread of missinformaiton on twitter Goal of Assignment 1:

My topic is about the spread of missinformaiton on twitter
Goal of Assignment 1: Individually, conduct a Complex (Social) #SystemAnalysis utilizing reliable resources and identify #EmergentProperties using all the LOs, concepts, and ideas covered in Unit 1.
Step 1: Select your Complex (Social) System #SystemAnalysis
To get started, identify a Complex (Social) System that you would like to study. Select any Complex (Social) System that we have not discussed in class. Make sure your system is both (1) complex and (2) social. When describing your system, also explain WHY the system is a “Complex (Social) System” rather than a “merely complicated” system.
Step 2: Introduce your Complex (Social) System #SystemAnalysis
Introduce your Complex (Social) System by identifying its properties and its interactions. Clearly articulate how it is both complex and social. Provide detailed information assuming your #Audience has little information about your Complex (Social) System.
Step 3: Break Down the Complex (Social) System #SystemAnalysis, ##EvidenceBased:
Conduct a Complex (Social) #SystemAnalysis by breaking down your selected system into components. First, identify the features of the system. Next, conduct a multi-level analysis (i.e., micro, meso, macro). Within each level, identify the agents, agent attributes, and interactions among agents. Then, consider how different levels of analysis interact with one another. The goal is to explore how different parts of the Complex (Social) System help us better understand what is taking place while also using all the LOs, concepts, and ideas covered in Unit 1.
This section may involve using the internet, scientific resources and popular articles to better understand the system and the behavior you want to study. This will ensure that your analysis is #EvidenceBased, and increase the confidence that others will have in your analysis.
Step 4: Identify properties that yield interactions between parts of a system #EmergentProperties
Identify and explain an emergent property taking place within your selected Complex (Social) System. Describe the emergent behavior that arises from the interactions among the agents in your system. Explain what aspects of the system are responsible for these emergent behavior (i.e., why and how these emergent behavior ’emerge’).
Step 5: APA Style & Format #Professionalism
Create an APA-style title and reference page. These pages do not count toward your word limit. The title page should be in the student format, found here:
All in-text citations must have an associated reference. You may find information on in-text citations here:
All references should also be presented in APA style, with information found here:
Please note that you should adhere to APA Style & Format throughout your paper. This includes but is not limited to one space between sentences, indenting paragraphs, and utilizing leveled headings.
Additional Information
Make sure you draw your #Audience’s attention to your BEST applications of the LOs by adding footnotes to your assignment. In the footnote, provide the hashtag of the LO with two to four sentences explaining your application.
Include a word count at the end of your main document (before the reference page). The word count excludes the title page, footnotes, and reference page.
Make sure you proofread and check your assignment before submitting it.Utilize the CIS Academic Excellence Hub to get support on things like grammar, professional writing, and APA style.
Review your lab materials to apply what you learned about APA style, and check this website for additional support with APA style:
Quotes may not be used in this assignment.All referenced material should be paraphrased in your own words.
As you prepare your assignment, use this as an opportunity to meet with your instructor during office hours or by appointment.
Learning Outcomes Added/
EvidenceBased: Identify and appropriately structure the information needed to support an argument effectively.
Professionalism: Ensure that your communication follows established guidelines and use a careful editing process.
SystemAnalysis: Analyze and apply decompositions of systems into constituent parts at multiple levels of analysis.
EmergentProperties: Identify emergent properties of complex systems and discern their causes.

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