Write a 500 word human interest article based on your interview. The lede (firs

Write a 500 word human interest article based on your interview.
The lede (first paragraph) is the most important element of your story. It has to tell enough of a story to draw the reader in to read it. Here are some rules:
Do not begin with a direct quote.
The lede should be NO MORE than two sentences. One sentence is preferred.
Quote the person twice and no more than three times.
The story does not need a conclusion. A story this short often just ends. One good way to end it is to use a quote from the interview.
Include details and description.
I have attached a copy of a recording of my interview. Please only include the parts that are relevant to make the snapshot profile.
Interview Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19q2HeauBJUo9Xf6gf…
Here is an example: https://neilshurley.com/writing-samples/sample-profile-piece-johnny-ashmore/
You MUST use AP Style.

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