Task-Centered After completing the reading on crisis, trauma, and task-centered

After completing the reading on crisis, trauma, and task-centered practice, consider the following case study and the action points at each stage. You may need to refer to the chapter to refresh your understanding of the task-centered approach. Using the sequence of actions in task-centered practice (see the Modern Social Work Theory textbook), please detail each step in considering how you would work with Jamie to promote her participation in this process. After your initial post, respond to at least one colleague and suggest what they could add to one of their action points to help the client better. Please use scholarly literature to support your response to your colleague. Also, consider the textbook to support your responses: Payne, M. (2020). Modern Social Work Theory: A Critical Introduction (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books Inc.
Here is a case example:
Jamie (22 years old) has approached the worker at the local area social work office. Jamie advises the worker that she is struggling to cope with all the demands that exist in her life. During the discussion, Jamie presented the following information: Jamie lives in a one-bedroom apartment with her son, Sam (2 years old). The property is in poor condition, with internal dampness and inadequate heating. The father of Sam is John (29 years old). Jamie and John separated when Jamie was five months pregnant with Sam, and since then, John has provided little financial or practical support. Contact between John and Sam is sporadic at best. Jamie has no family support following her mother’s death a year ago. Over the past few months, Jamie has faced increasing problems with debt, and she has struggled to manage her benefit entitlement. Jamie feels socially isolated within the local community and has been unable to access external support for Sam or herself.

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