Assignment 1 – Musical Genres & Periods Throughout this course, you will be list

Assignment 1 – Musical Genres & Periods
Throughout this course, you will be listening to and learning about various types and genres of music. Most of the course will focus on the history and development of Western Classical Music. Toward the end of the course, we will survey some Non-­‐Classical music including the origins of American Popular Music; Jazz, Film Music the origins of Rock & Roll.
In this assignment, you will listen to and learn about some of the different genres and periods of musical history that we’ll be surveying in the course.
Listen to the examples (linked below). As you listen to each selection, take note of the composer’s name, the name of the musical work, the musical genre and the period of musical history listed with each selection.
Musical Example 1: Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C Minor First Movement (7’38″)
Genre: Orchestral Music / Symphony
Period: Romantic Period to an external site.
“Sanctus” from Mozart’s Requiem (1’50”)
Genre: Choral / Orchestral Music Period: Classical Period to an external site.
Giacomo Puccini: Tenor Aria, “Nessun Dorma” from Turandot (3’00”) Jussi Bjorling, tenor
Genre: Opera / Tenor Aria
Period: Romantic Period to an external site.
Franz Schubert: Gretchen am Spinnerade (3’38”) Kiri Te Kanawa, soprano
Genre: Art Song / German Lieder
Period: Romantic Period to an external site.
Frederik Chopin: Polonaise in A-­‐flat Major, Op. 53 “Heroic” (7’25”)
Vladimir Horowitz, pianist Genre: Solo Piano Music
Period: Romantic Period
Links to an external site.
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant: “Stairway to Heaven” (5’55”)
Genre: Chamber Music / String Trio (Violin, Cello & Piano)
Period: Post-­‐Modern Period to an external site.
Max Steiner: Gone With The Wind, “As God As My Witness” scene 1’48”
Genre: Film Music
Period: Modern Period to an external site.
Javanese Gamelan Music (from the island of Java in Indonesia)
Genre: World Music
Period: (Not Applicable) to an external site.
After listening to the musical samples linked above, answer the two questions below.
Of the musical genres (listed below) represented by the 8 listening examples above, which musical genre or genres you found to be the most interesting or appealing to listen to, and why. Also indicate which musical genre or genres you found to be the LEAST interesting or appealing to listen to, and why
Orchestral Music / Symphony
Choral / Orchestral Music
Opera / Tenor Aria
Art Song / German Lieder
Solo Piano Music
Chamber Music / String Trio (Violin, Cello & Piano)
Film Music
World Music
Of the periods of musical history (listed below) represented by the 8 listening examples above, which period or periods you found to be the most interesting or appealing to listen to, and why. Be specific and detailed!
Classical Period (Mozart)
Romantic Period (Beethoven, Puccini, Schubert, Chopin)
Modern Period (Max Steiner / Gone With The Wind)
Post-­‐Modern Period (Jimmy Page & Robert Plant)
This assignment must be typed and submitted electronically in MS Word (.docx or .pdf) format. The file must be named in the following format: Lastname_Assignment1. Submit your completed document to Assignment 1, listed on the Modules and Assignments pages, as a file attachment.

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