1: Choose and Read: Select and read a banned book: A banned book can be defined

1: Choose and Read: Select and read a banned book: A banned book can be defined as, “any book that has been banned, censored, challenged or restricted.” The selected book can be any banned or challenged book.
2: Write: Compose a 1,000 word essay answering only one of the four essay prompts below using supporting ideas from the banned book of your choosing. Essay Prompts:
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? “Banning books is an attack on (my) identity and (my) culture.” Use examples from your chosen book and other sources to support your stance.
Speculate using specific examples from the book, AND relevant events in history, trends, politics, current events, etc. what the consequences may be if the specific book you read gets banned. Be sure to discuss what consequences this banning could have on your own life/worldview.
In what way(s) did reading a controversial book personally liberate you? Explain and support your reasoning
Do you feel the banning / censoring of your chosen book was (not) justified for its time? Explain and support your reasoning using examples from your own life/lived experience to support your position
3: Proofread carefully: Faculty from English and other departments will evaluate each essay on the following criteria:
Strength of argument
Evidence of Research / Supporting details
Language mechanics (i.e., grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, etc.)
Use of the MLA format

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