This assignment is based on the readings from Keegan on the Battle of Waterloo. I have included an ebook edition of the entire Face of Battle, as well as pdfs of the specific pages to be read on Waterloo. The pages in the printed edition correspond to 117-144, 162-206; the ebook pagination is a little different, but you can see the sections. It begins with Chapter 3 Waterloo, 18 June 1815, and includes sections on the Campaign, the Personal Angle of Vision, and the Physical Circumstances of Battle. Then it turns to the Categories of Combat, and you can skip several until you reach Infantry vs. Infantry. followed by the discussion of the Aftermath and Wounded.
The assignment is this. In 2-3 pages,
According to Keegan, and based on the experience of the British (and French) at Waterloo: Why do men stand and fight, rather than avoid combat or run away?
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