PART 1- EHSM 100 Week 5 Note Guide Student Name: Please answer all questions be

EHSM 100 Week 5 Note Guide
Student Name:
Please answer all questions below based on reading and multimedia sources.
What are hazardous waste and its sources?
Which agency is in charge of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)?
What is the purpose of the PHMSA?
What is the purpose of CERCLA?
The Love Canal Disaster: Toxic Waste in the NeighborhoodWhat happened at Love Canal?
How many chemicals were identified in the Love Canal?
Which legislation was enacted from the Love Canal disaster?
What happened to the land at Love Canal?
Bhopal Gas TragedyWhat chemical leaked at the Union Carbide chemical plant?
What happened to cause the leak?
How many safety systems were in place at the plant?
Why did so many people die in Bhopal?
How many people died in the tragedy?
During this discussion, please choose oneof the questions below and provide a response. Responses should be well thought out, developing your ideas clearly. Please use proper grammar and spelling. Your response is due on Wednesday and your reply to classmates is due Sunday.
Using the National Priorities List website ( to an external site.), find a superfund site and describe what the concerns are on the site. Are the problems ongoing?
Companies from the United States have sites all over the world, due to laxed environmental and safety regulations, and limited labor laws. This means its cheaper to produce outside the U.S.. During the Bhopal, India tragedy, safety and environmental protection standards were not readily maintained. Do you think that American companies should have to follow the more stringent U.S. standards while operating in other countries? Explain your reasoning.
The Love Canal was one of many hazardous waste sites in the United States. After CERCLA was enacted, superfund cleaned up many of these sites. Do you think CERCLA and SARA are successful today? Give examples of why or why not and explain your reasoning.
Weekly Reflections: After completing the weekly assignments you will provide a reflection of your week’s learning process. This should include your personal thoughts on the information you learned, any complications or positive aspects of your learning experience. Elaborate on areas that you need to improve and things that led to your success. Grading will be based on the thoroughness of your responses and depth of your reflection, and spelling and grammar. Late assignments will be marked down 5% every week.

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