Marketing Plan Portfolio Research (A)To begin your plan, complete the following

Marketing Plan Portfolio
Research (A)To begin your plan, complete the following activities, taking notes on each area.
Review the existing marketing activities of the established healthcare system you chose and consider how the new facility in the new environment might require a different approach.
Consider why the established facility may not have required much marketing while the new facility is likely to require extensive marketing.
Determine what is likely to be different about the target audience that would require a different approach to marketing.
Discuss why this might be an excellent time in healthcare to consider innovative approaches to marketing.
Compile your notes into a two-to-three-paragraph section summary that highlights your findings for the four challenges above. Place them under the heading “Research” in your new paper (Marketing Plan).
Marketing Strategy (B)In this section of your Marketing Plan, please complete the following activities, taking notes on each:
Consider the appropriate role of marketing for the new facility and how this will differ from the role it played at the established facility.
Consider the extent to which the marketing campaign should be about the entire healthcare system or primarily focused on the new facility.
Discuss the relevance of the four Ps to the marketing of the new facility and consider how they might be applied differently now than in the past.
Use your notes as the basis for a written response summary that includes one to two paragraphs on each point above. Place them under the heading “Marketing Strategy” in your new paper (Marketing Plan).
Changes (C)In this section of your Marketing Plan, please complete the following activity:
Consider the transitions that are occurring in healthcare and speculate on their impact on this new facility—e.g., the shift from medical care to healthcare, redefining the patient as a consumer, from inpatient care to outpatient care, from a focus on sick people to one on well people.
Provide a short written response to the activity prompt above and support it with a visual aid (your choice of a graph, image, etc.) explaining or depicting possible future evidence and/or outcomes of these current transitions. Place them under the heading “Changes” in your new paper (Marketing Plan).
Market Delineation (D)
In this part of your Marketing Plan, you will focus on delineating your market and building a population profile. Please complete the following activities:
Identify and delineate the market for the new facility, comparing it to the market for the other established facility.
Profile the population of the defined service area in terms of its salient characteristics.
Refine the population profile to identify the effective market for health services.
Determine the level at which the population should be approached—i.e., through mass marketing, target marketing, and micromarketing.
Collect your data/determinations as you work on these activities, and submit a record of your answers. Write a short paragraph describing your conclusions in response to each activity (four or more paragraphs total).
Potential and Limits (E)In this section of your Marketing Plan, please complete the following activities:
Determine a profiling process to create a more in-depth understanding of the target population, and segment the population based on its salient characteristics.
Determine the extent to which there are meaningful submarkets within the service area population—e.g., demographic segments, ethnic groups, lifestyle clusters.
Determine if there are different types/levels of services appropriate for any submarkets.
Determine where consumers are in the decision-making process with regard to the new facility and consider how the marketing approach should reflect their point in the process.
Write your answers to the above activities in list form, using the following headers:
Population Segmentation,
Service Differentiation, and
Consumer Response Ideas.
Please take the sections and place them in proper form using APA style writing. Be sure to use APA citations and an APA style reference page if needed for this assignment. Save a copy for your marketing plan paper, then upload your sections into the Marketing Plan drop box found in module 3.
** Please take all three sections and place them in document form using APA style writing. Please include a draft APA-style title page to have as the beginning page of your portfolio. Be sure to use APA citations and an APA-style reference page to show evidence of any information borrowed for this assignment.

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