Read instructions closely. Topic Question: How can one communicate trust into th

Read instructions closely. Topic Question: How can one communicate trust into their relationship partner? -Search, search, and search the entire Internet for academic research and credible popular press information about your topic. -400 words (NOT including your reference list) -A minimum of 3 sources from scholarly academic journals dated between 1990 and the present- all cited information should be from PRIMARY sources; not secondary sources -NO POPULAR PRESS SOURCES (i.e. magazine, newspaper, popular press books, etc.) • The paper should be written for a popular press audienceA catchy, alluring title • An APA reference list at the end of the paper • 12-point Times New Roman font (please make sure the entire paper uses this font) • Double spaced text (with no spaces before or after paragraphs (Go to FORMAT, then PARAGRAPHS, and then use the pull down menus for before and after to change them to ZERO) •The paper must focus on communication in romantic relationships. • One-inch margins on all four sides of your document • A catchy, alluring title. In-text citations of sources written in a popular press manner popular press audience. Let me explain what I mean. When you cite a source in text for a scholarly paper, you would generally cite it something like this: Interestingly, most people agree that both oral sex and sexual intercourse (both deemed as explicit sexual behaviors by the researchers) are considered cheating (Wilson et al., 2010). Or this: Bartholomew and Horowitz (1991) explain that there are four general attachment styles including: secure, anxious-preoccupied, fearful-avoidant, and dismissive-avoidant.

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