Patient’s History and Physical (H&P) Mr. Noair is 55 years old and on disability

Patient’s History and Physical (H&P) Mr. Noair is 55 years old and on disability from his previous work as a bricklayer. He is married with two children, one who is grown and the second who is a teenager living at home. Mr. Noair loves his family, sports, and “hanging out” with his buddies at the local bar. Diagnosed 5 years ago with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease due to Emphysema. Has multiple hospitalizations during the past year for lung related issues. Medical History: ex-smoker x 5 years, HTN, appendectomy, anxiety, and angina Vital signs: blood pressure: 180/92 mm Hg; temperature: 100.2º F; pulse: 116 beats per minute (bpm); and respirations: 28 breaths per minute. Lung sounds are wheezing with loud crackles throughout. The oxygen saturation is 84% and is receiving oxygen via a Venturi (Venti) mask. Toes and fingers are cyanotic, as are his oral mucous membranes. ABG (arterial blood gas) results: abnormal showing Respiratory Acidosis. CXR: No evidence of infiltrates; hyperinflated lungs Labs: WBC: 13; Bun/Creatinine: 1, 0.9 Medications: Albuterol, Advair, Aspirin, Prednisone, Metoprolol Current Situation “I can’t breathe,” Mr. Noair gasped for breath. “Help me,” Mr. Noair looked up at you, his nurse, with eyes filled with fear. He raised the head of the bed further with the control and continued to gasp for breath. You could feel your own anxiety increasing; it felt like Mr. Noair’s anxiety was contagious. You pushed the overbed table so that Mr. Noair could lean forward on it; you sat on his bed and worked with him to breathe using the pursed-lip technique and to slow his breathing. You have given him all the medications he can have, and then called the provider. Directions: 1. Highlight ALL of the pertinent information in the above scenario/situation and explain why you think that highlighted information is important. 2. State how the highlighted information is important to the patient’s care. Please note that there are two parts to this assignment for full credit. a. highlight, b. explain why.

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