1st discussiin 2 pages: For this discussion, we are examining public and private

1st discussiin 2 pages: For this discussion, we are examining public and private healthcare facilities. Locate two different facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – one private and one public. Examine the difference and similarities you see in the different facilities. Explain how the law impacts how these two facilities operate? Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories in your initial response along with at least 2 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Use APA style guidelines. 2nd discussion 2 pages : Review the following article for this week’s discussion: Sama’a, H. A., Alfayez, A. S., Alanazi, A. T., Alwuhaimed, L. A., & Hamed, S. S. B. (2021). Autonomy, accountability, and competition: the privatisation of the Saudi health care system. Journal of Taibah Discuss the various governmental entities involved in the privatization of healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. How are these entities helping meet the needs of healthcare in the Kingdom? Include anything you found surprising in the article. Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories in your initial response along with at least 2 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Use APA style guidelines.

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