Complete a worker interview and analysis. The interview should be completed with

Complete a worker interview and analysis. The interview should be completed with someone of another race, gender, or someone who has a disability and who is a least at mid-life (40-50) years old. A typed narrative summary should be approximately 7 pages in length and should included a narrative summary of the interview as well as connections to at least two career development theories discussed in class. You can think of additional questions on your own or during the interview. One question you can asked “IF you could would you change anything about your life, or career path? it is not necessary for the interviewee to respond to every item. The summary should be approximately 7-9 pages in length. typically, approximately 5 pages are devoted to the narrative with approximately 2-4 pages relating the life experiences to theories. SEE MORE DETAILED IN THE DRAGBOX. IT is outline. The two theories to focus on are Holland’s Theory and Gottfredson, Social Learning Theory.

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