PART 1: (I will send the link to the video and the article when tutor is chosen)

PART 1: (I will send the link to the video and the article when tutor is chosen)
The library media hosting underwent drastic changes this summer, and we no longer have rights to the films previously hosted on Panopto. I am having difficulty find GOOD copies of the documentaries I had hoped to show in our class.
So watch this short video instead and follow it up with a quick look at the short article as well!
For Full Points:
Watch the video and read the article.
Tell me what you think about all of this!
No wrong answers – your opinion matters.
How about a short paragraph with your comments.
PART 2: “Formidable: American Women and the Fight for Equality” (I will attach it to the question).
Here’s one summary of this recent book:
The Nineteenth Amendment was an incomplete victory. Black and white women fought hard for voting rights and doubled the number of eligible voters, but the amendment did not enfranchise all women, or even protect the rights of those women who could vote. A century later, women are still grappling with how to use the vote and their political power to expand civil rights, confront racial violence, improve maternal health, advance educational and employment opportunities, and secure reproductive rights.
Formidable chronicles the efforts of white and Black women to advance sometimes competing causes. Black women wanted the rights enjoyed by whites. They wanted to protect their communities from racial violence and discrimination. Theirs was not only a women’s movement. White women wanted to be equal to white men. They sought equal legal rights, political power, safeguards for working women and immigrants, and an end to confining social structures. There were also many white women who opposed any advance for any women.
In this riveting narrative, Dr. Elisabeth Griffith integrates the fight by white and Black women to achieve equality. Previously their parallel struggles for social justice have been presented separately—as white or Black topics—or covered narrowly, through only certain individuals, decades, or incidents. Formidable provides a sweeping, century-long perspective, and an expansive cast of change agents. From feminists and civil rights activists to politicians and social justice advocates, from working class women to mothers and homemakers, from radicals and conservatives to those who were offended by feminism, threatened by social change, or convinced of white supremacy, the diversity of the women’s movement mirrors America.
After that landmark victory in 1920, suffragists had a sense of optimism, declaring, “Now we can begin!” By 2020, a new generation knew how hard the fight for incremental change was; they would have to begin again. Both engaging and outraging, Formidable will propel readers to continue their foremothers’ fights to achieve equality for all.
Okay. Talk about ANYTHING you want to from this chapter. Take two points and tell us what YOU think!
For Full Points:
Read the whole chapter – it’s pretty short!
Take down some notes on two points you wish to write about.
Write at least five sentences on EACH point! No wrong answers – you opinions are important!
Repond to two classmates’ commentary with at least three sentences for each classmate!

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