How do you work to prevent poverty as social workers? Many of your client popula

How do you work to prevent poverty as social workers? Many of your client populations and the communities you work with will be in poverty. Social insurance and personal responsibility are ways in which policymakers work toward preventing poverty. Developing a poverty threshold is a measure that policymakers use when working toward preventing poverty in the formulation of social welfare policies.
For this Discussion, you examine limitations and problems with the poverty threshold and how these problems affect a person’s ability to escape poverty.
DiNitto, D. M., & Johnson, D. H. (2016). Social welfare: Politics and public policy (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.Chapter 4, “Ending Poverty: Is It an Issue Anymore?” (pp. 107–152)
Chapter 5, “Preventing Poverty: Social Insurance and Personal Responsibility” (pp. 153–194)
Economic Policy Institute. (2016a). Basic family budget calculator—Introduction, methodology, and data download.Links to an external site.Retrieved from
Economic Policy Institute. (2016b). Family budget calculator.Links to an external site. Retrieved from Discussion 1, you will use the EPI Family Budget Calculator. First, read this page.
Gould, E., Cooke, T., & Kimball, W. (2015). What families need to get by: EPI’s 2015 family budget calculator.Links to an external site.Economic Policy Institute. Retrieved from, you will use the calculator on this page for Discussion 1, following the instructions found in Discussion 1.
Fisher, G. M. (1997). The development and history of the U.S. poverty thresholds—A brief overview.Links to an external site. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).Retrieved from… article discusses the history and definition of the U.S. “poverty threshold,” which is sometimes called the “poverty line.” Technically, the poverty threshold is used by the Census Bureau for statistical purposes and the “poverty guideline” is used by the DHHS to determine program eligibility.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.).Frequently asked questions related to the poverty guidelines and poverty.Links to an external site. Retrieved September 12, 2017, from
Visit the Economic Policy Institute websites listed in the Learning Resources. The EPI has developed a formula to determine what it takes for a family to “make ends meet,” taking into account family size and place of residence.
Begin by reading about the assumptions on which they base their calculations of a basic family budget.
Next, use their basic family budget calculator to find out what they would estimate it would cost your family size to live in your area.
PostDescribe two limitations and/or problems with the poverty threshold.
Explain how these problems affect a person’s ability to escape poverty.

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