For the research paper, there are different topics for students depending on the

For the research paper, there are different topics for students depending on their last name please read the instructions below carefully
Students with a last name beginning with the letter A: Cardiorespiratory Endurance Versus Muscle Strength Training.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters B-I: Social media and health.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters J-N: Stress Management
Students with a last name beginning with the letters O-Z: Benefits of flexibility training.
Conduct an online search through the Cuyamaca College Library Database. You will research the topic associated with the first letter of your last name from the list above.
Use the Cuyamaca College Library Database,…Links to an external site.. Choose two library sources (research study, magazine, or news article) on your topic.
Write an essay, double-spaced, 12 font, and 1-inch margins. Write using MLA essay format. Include an introductory paragraph, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. (30 points)
Do not use lists or bullets. Please, only put your name at the top of the page.
Create a list of Works Cited using MLA Format and include the following information: Authors’ names, the article’s title, journal name, volume number, page numbers, the date of the article, and the URL link to your sources. The Works Cited goes on a separate page and is not part of your essay. (20 points)
Do not overuse quotations. Be sure to use citations for every quotation. I want you to use your own words. However, even when you paraphrase, you need to use a citation.
Paragraph 1: Introduction: (3-5 sentences)
An interesting fact about the topic.
Describe your topic.
Body Paragraph 2: (4-6 sentences)
The topic sentence about finding #1.
Statements of support from your library sources.
Body Paragraph 3: (4-6 sentences)
The topic sentence about finding #2.
Statements of support from your library sources.

Paragraph 4: Conclusion: (3-5 sentences)
Summarize the findings of your research.
Give a final statement about your topic.
YOUR Works Cited page
List every source used in MLA format and attach it as a separate page to the essay.
Important Notes:
Please log in to the library database during the 1stweek of this assignment. You may need to change your password.
Statements of support must come from your Cuyamaca Library Database sources. You will receive an automatic zero if your two sources are not from the library database. You can rewrite and resubmit your paper if you receive an automatic zero.
Don’t forget that plagiarism is a cause for failure. This must be your paper written in your words. You must click the plagiarism review box when submitting your assignment.
HED 251-Hollands
PURPOSE: To find general articles and peer-reviewed journal articles @ Cuyamaca College Library. If you need help visit your instructor or the instructor’s assistant during their office hours or make an appointment with a librarian.
STEP 1: How do I get to the library website? You can Google Cuyamaca College Library or go to this link to an external site.
STEP 2: This is the search box to find articles and peer-reviewed articles.
Type in your topic, or type in words about your topic.
Find the source types (left margin) and check magazines.
Type in your topic, or type in words about your topic.
Find “Limit To” (left margin) and
check scholarly, peer-reviewed journals
STEP 4: You will see a list of article citations. Choose one to read. E-mail the article to yourself. Use the tools on the right-hand side of the page to print, E-mail, and Cite (you will use cite for your List of Works Cited.

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