Chapter 7 discusses communicable diseases and how several communicable diseases

Chapter 7 discusses communicable diseases and how several communicable diseases have been eradicated (i.e. smallpox, polio) due to the widespread usage of vaccinations by the general population (herd immunity). Other diseases and viruses do not have vaccines at this time, such as Ebola, HIV. The various COVID-19 vaccines that have become available were developed a year ago. Additionally, there has been more public debate on whether children should or should not be vaccinated.
Answer the following questions:
Should the government mandate childhood vaccinations?
Should adults also be mandated to obtain vaccines by governement or their employers?
Justify your answer using factual data either for or against (or somewhere in the middle) this mandate.
Consider the following supporting questions in your answer:
Do vaccines improve the overall public health?
What are the risks associated with vaccines and do those risks outweigh the benefits?
If vaccines are not required, will the public health be endangered?
What is more important individual rights or the collective good?
Do parents have the right to refuse vaccination for their children?
Would you vaccinate your child?
Should employers be allowed to require vaccines as a condition of employment in certain settings like healthcare or corrections?

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