Ken Gonzales-Day is a Los Angeles-based conceptual artist best known for interdi

Ken Gonzales-Day is a Los Angeles-based conceptual artist best known for interdisciplinary projects that examine the historical construction of race, identity, and systems of representation. His widely exhibited Erased Lynching photographic series and book, Lynching in the West: 1850-1935 document the absence in historical accounts of the lynching of Latinos, Native Americans and Asians in California’s early history. Study the images and read more about the exhibit on his website here:
Then watch this short presentation on his work: – After studying the images from the Erased Lynching – which image(s) left an impression on you and why? part 2:
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1. Hayden cites Henri Lefebvre’s theories from The Production of Space in her writing several times. How does Hayden’s use of Lefebvre’s theories either clarify or expand your understanding of spatial production? Please use specific examples from the text to expand on your new understandings.

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