Hi there! there are two videos you need to watch First, write the Paragraphs. Pl

Hi there! there are two videos you need to watch First, write the Paragraphs. Please read the instructions carefully and DO NOT USE CHATGPT!!!. Only so the videos.
Please write one long paragraph on each text (around 150 words per text) that makes an analytical or argumentative point about the reading that connects to this class. This is for you to engage with the text, and assert ideas and opinions, to pre-empt discussion in class. There is only one rule: do not summarize content.
The Texts
-*Video – The Newsroom: Why America is the greatest country in the world (Discourse)
-*Video – Thank You For Smoking: Ice Cream Politics (Rhetoric)
*Please note the two videos are scenes from a TV show or movie. Please consider the listed key term in parenthesis after you watch each scene.

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