There are countless issues related to American Corrections today. You will use y

There are countless issues related to American Corrections today. You will use your creativity and knowledge of American Corrections to write a 5–7-page paper on a topic of your choosing. The topic must be approved by me prior to you beginning your research and literature review. Please send me an email once you have determined a topic/issue you would like to research, review available literature, and write about. I will respond to you with my approval or may direct your thinking or interest to something more appropriate. This paper is worth 125 points and you will be required to use: proper APA cover/title page, margins, double spacing, within text citations, page numbers and reference section to complete the assignment. Your paper must include a minimum of ten (10) citations from a minimum of three (3) sources. Sources chosen must be scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. You may use your textbook as a source as well as cite the textbook if you choose, but your textbook will not count toward your three-source minimum requirement. I will post an example with during the first week of the course so you can see what I expect to receive.
Grading for the Final Paper is based on individual work.
A superior paper will demonstrate breadth and depth of knowledge and critical thinking appropriate for undergraduate level scholarship. It must be written in Standard English. The paper must follow APA style and be free of typographical, spelling and grammatical errors. The paper must be 5-7 pages of double-spaced, 12-point text, not counting title page.
Facts and opinions in the paper must be supported by citations and references. Be very cautious when stating your opinion or using terms suggesting absolute facts or values, because these must be cited and supported by references.
I am always available to answer questions about the scope of the Final Paper, appropriateness of sources and expectations for the finished paper. However, I will not edit or proofread student work. Submitted papers must be in finished form suitable for a professional audience.

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